After getting back from SRS Sunday late afternoon from Lyon, France, it has been a busy week in the operating room and clinic, culminating with both clinic and surgery on Friday. Before heading home Friday night, I checked my texts and emails before hitting the road home. In the stack of messages, I found this very encouraging note from Madelene’s parents:
Dear Dr. Hey,
I can only imagine that you receive many emails from extremely thankful parents just like us. It has been almost 1 year to the day that we learned about Madeline‘s scoliosis. I vividly recall being very overwhelmed and frightened at the onset of her diagnosis. Her curve was progressing quickly. Those feelings were compounded when we were informed by another orthopedic about the possibility that she may have neurofibromatosis. Once we were able to rule that out, it was actually a relief to be able to focus on the scoliosis.

During those beginning weeks, I knew that I had to do more research and learn of other specialists in our area. I wanted to be sure we had a Dr. who was exceptional in his/her field. Thanks to Google, we found you! I was immediately impressed with your website. The expertise, knowledge, and compassion of your clinic was evident from the website–and it was quickly solidified the moment we had our first appointment with you. My husband, a design engineer, was able to connect with you thanks to your background at MIT and the technical/design component that comes with orthopedics. We appreciated your knowledge and kindness as we navigated through finding the right time for
Madeline to have the surgery. Everyone in your office has been gracious, professional and helpful. Words cannot express how grateful we are to all who have played a part in
Madeline‘s journey.

I am also thrilled with our experience at Duke Raleigh. The level of care we have received at Duke Raleigh has been phenomenal. Everyone from Holly, to Maggie the OR nurse who comforted
Madeline as she was so scared right before surgery, to the nursing assistants has been so wonderful. It’s been another blessing to have you stop by our room each day. Those few minutes of face time with you are reassuring to all of us.
Madeline‘s face lights up when she sees you.
God blesses each of us with a gifts and you have many for which we are eternally thankful. Best wishes to you and the many pre-teen girls and their families who enter your office. May everyone have a lifetime of hope for a “straight” future!
-Nancy and Brett W____
I got a chance to see Madeline each day this week twice a day after her surgery at Duke Raleigh Hospital this past Wednesday. She was in her private room Wednesday evening with her parents doing very well, just a little swollen in the eyelids. She introduced me to “Sprinkles”, her little stuffed animal, who indeed had very colorful sprinkles all over. I showed her the X-Ray, which showed her spine all straight, and she gave me a big smile. She then reached around her back and felt her back where one of her two humps used to be… and she said “The hump is gone!” A happy day for Madeline and her folks.
Postop Day 1 on Thursday, she was quite a trooper, getting up in the morning, and walking down the hall and back again with physical and occupational therapy. Yesterday, Friday, she went to the homebound room, and got cleared going in and out of the test car, and climbed some stairs. I got a chance to see her and her folks and get a couple quick photos together before she headed home.
Having the chance to serve families like Madeline’s is a such a joy, that it energizes all of us at Hey Clinic and Duke Raleigh Hospital and WakeMed Children’s Hospital to keep serving better in the future!
Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery