“The Spine is the Trickiest Part” — Dr. Hey tries to get away from it all at dinner out.

Well, this week I actually had the week off to get my batteries recharged….. And my first vacation since last August, so boy was I ready!

Friday night I was psyched driving home, but still answering some patient calls after staying late in clinic with one of my college scoliosis patients and her mom.

Took my wife out to dinner Friday night to one of our favorite restaurants, Parizades – in Durham NC.  Now it is time to stop thinking about work, patient care and spines, and focus on family and regeneration!  I ordered up a North Carolina Flounder for dinner, and had a nice salad to start off.  When our main dishes arrived, the waiter offered to cut up and fillet the full flounder for me, which sounded like a good idea.  I then got a chance to watch him prepare the fish, carefully peeling off the skin.  He then started to delicately dissect out and remove the spine with accompanying other bones.

“The Spine is the Trickiest Part!” , he said.   “This is only the second time I’ve done this.”

My wife and I just smiled, and congratulated him on his excellent surgery.

The fish and the rest of the dinner, including dessert was excellent.

Yes indeed, the Spine is the Trickiest Part!


Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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