Happy Valentine’s Day scoliosis challenge for today

When dr. Gorman, the anesthesiologist saw this young lady's twisted back this morning when we turned her over for surgery, he asked "why did she wait so long to get this fixed?"

Her curve is now almost 60 degrees in the Thoracolumbar region. We will be straightening her up today, but this indeed is why we emphasize the importance of lifetime follow-up as well as proper screening for scoliosis. This would have been easier to fix with less fused segments, better correction, more lumbar discs preserved, and more years to enjoy better posture, less pain and better appearance as well as quicker recovery time and less chance for complications. Age 35, however, is still better than 45 or 55 or 65 or 75 or 85, which are all possible, but more difficult.

Sorry for the blog drought. Been super busy at work and at home.

Happy Valentines Day to all of you!

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