Follow-up thank you from young adult woman after kyphosis surgery back to hiking

My physician’s assistant Brittany received this encouraging email from Frances, who had kyphosis surgery with me at Duke Raleigh / Hey Clinic on October 2008. She had a T2-L2 instrumentation and fusion with evoked potential monitoring, and and was around 40 years old when she had her surgery. She had a history of adolescent kyphosis, which progressed and was painful and disfiguring in adulthood.

She gave her permission to share her email and photos with all of you!

Great to hear from you Frances and glad to hear you are doing so well!


Dr. Lloyd A Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

From: Frances
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 19:52:20 -0500
To: Brittany

Dear Brittany,

Last week, it was so good to see you. I’ve been meaning to stop in for
months, but it has been so busy with work and family. I will always be so
grateful for all your care and encouragement. I remember not understanding
why I was so tired after surgery and became so frustrated with myself and
you reminded me that I did have a huge surgery and to cut myself some slack!
I sometimes forget surgery, although is correcting something, is really just
trauma under anethesia…LOL!

Thankfully, my procedure went well and I have been able to hike, ride roller
coasters and enjoy driving for miles and miles. My posture is awesome and my
clothes fit so much better and best of all, the lumbar pain went away and
NEVER returned. I am also so grateful to have you as my PA and Dr. Hey isn’t
so bad either!

I’ve enclosed a few pics. Since my surgery, I have done things I long gave
up on and am thrilled to experience once again.

Thanks again for everything!!!!



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