FW: Giving Thanks (55 yo woman 4 years after T4-L5 instrumentation and fusion for severe adolescent idiopathic and degenerative scoliosis surgery

—— Forwarded Message
From: Rita
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 12:15:50 -0500
To: Lloyd Hey <>
Subject: Giving Thanks

Dr. Hey,
It has been almost 4 years since my surgery and I, almost daily, find myself giving thanks for my new life.  Yes, I still have some pain; however, it is no comparison as to my life before surgery.  There have been countless people that I have shared the results with and a few that you have performed surgery on.  Your work continues to build your impeccable reputation and I know this must be so fulfilling.
I continue to work  in Real Estate, even with the challenge of our current market; which I feel is getting much better since the first of the year. Please keep me in mind if you run across someone in need a great Realtor.
Have a wonderful week,

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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