Nice letter we received from parents of adolescent scoliosis young lady who recently had surgery with us.

November 14, 2009

Dear Dr. Hey & Staff,
lt has been several weeks since Terri’s surgery and she is doing great, just
like you said she would! We want to thank you for this whole experience.
It‘s never easy having to put your child through any surgery, especially a
child with special needs, and a seizure disorder. We were referred to you by
my chiropractor, and we are so thankful we were. From the time we met
you, we felt so comfortable with you. In our appointment you answered all
of our questions, included Terri in the conversation, and tried to explain to
her what she was going to experience. We never felt rushed in the
appointment, and your staff was above and beyond excellent! We met
almost everyone that day in the office, and everyone was so polite, and
treated us like we were old friends they hadn’t seen in a while. In the days
after our initial meeting, my husband and I had come up with several
questions we needed answers to and you told us to call you on your cell
phone about anything. We were so shocked to have a doctor give out his
personal cell number; WOW, that never happens; a doctor gives you his
personal cell phone!!! You answered every time, or called back within the
hour. We were so impressed with you and your professionalism, as well as
your personal touch. It was like Terri was your daughter going in for the
surgery. Thank you for taking personal time away from your family one
evening to speak with us for an hour about questions and concerns. You
continued to amaze my husband and me and go above and beyond. You also
spoke to Dr. Peterson and recommended that he follow Terri in her
procedure and days in the hospital to follow. When we met Dr. Peterson
prior to the surgery, we felt so good about our decision to go with you. We
would definitely tell our friends and family about Dr. Hey and The Hey
Clinic. You have a great reputation for a reason, and it showed! We Wish
more doctors would have the professionalism and personal touch that you
take pride in. It makes the patient, and their families feel so much better
about things.

The day of the surgery, of course as parents, we were extremely nervous.
We had said many prayers, as did many other family members and friends.
We prayed that Terri’s surgery went well and of course no seizures! We
were so happy that our prayers were answered. In addition to out-prayers,
you also took the time out and prayed with us before and after the surgery.
That meant so much to us, to have you take that much interest in your
patients. We never felt like, we were just another patient or surgery you had
to accomplish. God put you in our lives for a reason, and we are eternally
grateful. We could never thank you and your staff enough for the kindness,
professionalism and personal touch! Thanks to you and your staff for what
you do. you have no idea the impact you have on your patient lives and their
families. God bless you all!

The S___ Family

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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