FW: surgery. Postop Gratitude.

The email was sent to me this evening from one of our adult scoliosis patients in early healing period after her reconstructive surgery.
Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Spine Surgeon
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery, Raleigh NC  USA

—— Forwarded Message
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 19:04:08 -0400
To: Lloyd Hey <>
Subject: surgery

Dr Hey,    

You must have known how you were about to change my life, but I had no idea.  Once again I will try to express my post-surgery appreciation.   I had folks all over America praying for me, so I now thank God for both your skill and the power of prayer. There are not words to show my gratitude.  I’m walking now with a walker, but will soon switch to a cane.  I know that eventually I will live normally again.  The constant pain, with levels as high as ten of ten, has all but disappeared (A couple nerves are fussing about having to come back to life.) and my atrophied leg muscles are regaining strength.  I had given up hope for this level of normalcy.

Rex rehab in Apex was a great follow-up to your surgery.  They have a trained back therapist on staff (Stacey) and she worked me hard.  I had three hours a day of therapy interspersed with hours of boredom and sleep.  I had been wheelchair bound for five weeks with unusable legs.  But, two and a half weeks after your awesome surgery, I walked out the door on a walker, able to climb stairs and walk the length of a football field before resting a minute or two then doing it again.  

You are my hero.   Thank you.    Kit

—— End of Forwarded Message

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