FW: follow up.

—— Forwarded Message
From: J, RN.
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 16:01:40 -0400
To: "Dr. Lloyd Hey"
Subject: follow up

Hello Dr. Hey:

I was in your office on Thursday with my fiance, _____________.  ______________, my boss , suggested that we come to your clinic.
I just wanted to  let you know how very pleased Bruce and I were with our experience at your clinic.
From check in to check out , the visit  was excellent and efficient, the staff friendly and informative.  ____ was seen by Jaclyn  who provided a very comprehensive assesment/exam and was very clear in describing his condition and her plan of care for him.

I will highly recommend your clinic to others.  


J_______RN, CPSN
Nurse Clinician
Duke University Medical Center

—— End of Forwarded Message

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