15 yo Rachel from Tennessee had 40 degree progression of her AIS over a couple years, then surgery this week with 90 degree curve

Rachel is a wonderful 15 yo young lady from Tennessee diagnosed with scoliosis just a couple of years ago with a curve in the upper 40's, possibly low 50's.  She then had follow-up X-Rays just recently when experiencing increased pain,...

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Is there such thing as “Minimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery”? Can a herniated disc give you scoliosis? Define “Cattywampus” and can it be treated?

I just saw 20 yo Hannah back for her 4 week postop visit, and she is one happy young lady!  I saw her a few weeks ago and she was completely "cattywampus" preop, several inches to one side with a thoracolumbar...

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Can Adults with Scoliosis also be treated with a brace?…. and Can my daughter or son be a competitive athlete after scoliosis surgery? Celebrating Karmen’s Georgia State Cross-Country Meet Today!

There is a growing excitement at Hey Clinic over the last few months with our Schroth Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis Specific Exercises (PSSE) and in-house fabrication of 3D CADCAM personalized (Rigo-like)  approach!!!   Alma, or Schroth therapist is doing a super job with...

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FoxSports Ken Rosenthal Baseball Expert Talks About Scoliosis and Scoliosis Research Society (SRS.ORG) on TV Tonight!

I just got word that Ken Rosenthal will be speaking again tonight on national TV for National League Baseball about one of his important "Bowtie Charities" ---  scoliosis and the Scoliosis Research Foundation (http://www.srs.org).  SRS has been around for over...

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