Dr. Lloyd Hey -- https://www.heyclinic.com
Opening Hours : M-Thurs from 7AM-4PM and Fri from 7AM-2PM
Dr. Lloyd Hey -- https://www.heyclinic.com
Got a whole bunch of happy pictures back from Maggie and her family this weekend, including this photo showing 8 yo Maggie showing off her new posture and 2 inch height gain after her revision kyphoscoliosis surgery! She has severe...
Way tight stenosis multilevel w retrolisthesis and facet gapping. Dr. Lloyd Hey -- https://www.heyclinic.com
L1-iliac instrumentation and fusion w L2-5 laminectomies Ebl 450 cc Blood transfused. None Complications: none. Surgical time: just under 3 hours. Just before her surgery saw a nice woman and her engineer husband from Savannah, GA about 5 hour drive...
Dr. Lloyd Hey -- https://www.heyclinic.com
3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609