Today’s surgery: Harrington rod flat back syndrome in 45 Yo woman

She has severe progressive back pain w severe loss of disc height below previous Harrington rod fusion done for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis years ago. II just finished doing the anterior part, removing the narrow degenerative L45 and L5S1 discs, then...

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One Year Surgery Anniversary Letter from Chrissie

I received this encouraging word today from Chrissie, a 34 yo woman who had a very painful L5S1 spondylolisthesis with a pars fracture which really interfered with her quality of life. As shown at the bottom, Chrissie gave her permission...

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Whale with Scoliosis!

Nurse Kelly pointed out a very interesting article today that she found on line this past weekend — a whale with scoliosis!! This is interesting at several levels --- First, the whale appears quite sick, which makes you wonder if...

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