Can Scoliosis Curves Increase in Size?

Previously it was believed that curve progression only occurred in childhood, but actually 68% of scoliosis patients’ curves got more severe in adulthood. In some cases, curve progression after menopause can be rapid.

The Weinstein study looked at adolescent patient curves and tracked 133 curves in 102 patients for 40.5 years. In general, curves below 30 degrees at skeletal maturity tended not to progress.

Furthermore, keeping the curve in the green zone lessens the likelihood of progression. If your child has scoliosis then there are many options to keep them in the green zone.

For curves > 15 degrees, a good option for patients would be Schroth physical therapy. Schroth physical therapy strengthens the muscles around the spine and can correct adolescent curves. Schroth physical therapy uses a technique designed to retrain the muscles of the back and core to hold the spine in better alignment. The goal is to elongate, de-rotate and stabilize the spine. It is also to improve postural awareness and teach life-long spine healthy habits.

For children with curves above 20 degrees, it would be recommended to brace in partnership with Schroth. The 3D CADCAM Cheneau-style brace is a light-weight, custom brace fabricated on-site. The brace applies pressures to certain areas of the spine while providing opposite void space to shift the curves. The brace is ultra-thin, ultra-light and less noticable under clothes. It’s also more comfortable, and easier to put on than the older off the shelf braces. 

Above 35 degrees, patients can consider surgery. Surgical considerations depend largely on patient preference, pain and shared decision making.

After a patient reaches skeletal maturity, the curve can be followed with lifelong follow-up once a year.

Most importantly, a child with a curve above 10 degrees should come visit Dr. Hey for treatment options. Dr. Hey helps patients make informed decisions based on their preferences, his clinical experience and evidence-based scoliosis research.

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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