Moose in Wyoming!!

Had a good 2 days in surgery and Tuesday, including complex congenital scoliosis in 17 Yo young man. Now enjoying some family time out in Jackson Hole Wyoming. Sun is setting right now over this huge rushing stream. You can...

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14 yo adolescent idiopathic scoliosis fixed today

We've been so busy past few weeks w adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and kyphosis surgeries that I haven't had time to blog! Here's one from this afternoon. Surgical time: 3 hrs. Ebl: 350. Blood transfused none. This am did similar r...

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Back from Vacation. Scoli Camp Week In Full Force!

I was on vacation last week celebrating 25th wedding anniversary.  Great break. This week we’re doing “Scoli Camp” at Duke Raleigh Hospital, with 4 adolescent scoliosis and kyphosis surgeries already during our first 2 days! Patients are doing well postop,...

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