Severe kyphoscoliosis fixed today

This lady's rib cage was sitting on her pelvis w severe scoliosis, kyphosis and spinal stenosis. Her pain was very bad and walking very limited.We fixed her today w a T3-iliac wing instrumentation and fusion with multiple osteotomies and 5...

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43 yo woman w very painful collapsing 54 degree double curve fixed today

This young lady was inspired by our Hey Clinic scoliosis guest who shared her picture paddling a canoe and her postoperative story on my blog.Her surgery went great today. Just finishes up.Ebl 2000 ccComplications: none.Correction; excellentSurgical time: 5 hrs 45...

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Long day, but worth it. Total spine reconstruction.

Joan had multiple compression fractures w surgery done out in westrern nc about 5 hrs away near Asheville. She continued to collapse, pulling out screws. She also had severe stenosis.I spent 5 hours straightening her up T2-iliac wing w osteotomies...

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Kaleb and his dad stopped by to say “Thanks” to Hey Clinic for mom/wife’s successful complex scoliosis surgery yesterday.

Saw Julie's son Kaleb and her husband who I wrote about on the last blog this morning at Hey Clinic.Hey Clinic is located right next door to Duke Raleigh Hospital, on this Duke Raleigh medical campus, which makes it very...

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3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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