Taking Control of Back Pain

By regularly doing Schroth exercises, Amanda has found hope that she can manage her scoliosis pain.

When she discovered that doing Schroth physical therapy exercises could decrease her pain she started to ask herself, “What else am I taking for granted as something that I can’t change?”

Amanda’s scoliosis meant that her hips weren’t straight, so carrying her first child was painful. The weight on her spine caused a lot of discomfort. Before she becomes pregnant again, her goal is to hold herself in a way that is more comfortable through better posture and newly developed core strength.

Prior to visiting Hey Clinic, doctors said surgery was her only option, but Hey Clinic physical therapists provided a way to stabilize her curve through conservative options.

At first Amanda found it difficult to make time for the exercises, but now it’s become apart of her daily routine.

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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