Exercises Catered to help Scoliosis Pain

At the Hey Clinic, we find that many patients come to us with misinformation about what their options are for treating their scoliosis.

“An orthopedic center that has spine in the name still doesn’t mean they know all about scoliosis,” Caroline Horosko said. “I am finding more and more how complicated scoliosis is.”

The Hey Clinic provides all-inclusive care – diagnoses, imaging, bracing, Schroth physical therapy, and when necessary, surgery – for scoliosis patients in every stage of life. Rather than visiting multiple providers, our patients receive the medical attention and resources needed all under one roof from our onsite doctors, physician’s assistants, orthotists, physical therapists, and imaging specialists.

“It’s really shown [me] how important it was to find a place that really specializes in my need,” Caroline said.

A doctor found Caroline’s scoliosis in kindergarten, but she did not understand it until she went through puberty. She was given a back brace, but it felt pointless to her because she did not feel much pain.

Caroline didn’t feel the effects of her curve until she turned 32. That year her back spasms became debilitating. She lost a lot of money as she was forced to cancel trips. Caroline went three weeks without being able to walk. For half the year, she took injections and went to physical therapy. Nothing seemed to help her pain.

Caroline’s physical therapist told her that it might help to get a second opinion. The therapist recommended Dr. Hey to her because she once shadowed him for a spinal surgery and said it was a rare opportunity for PT student.

She went to her primary care doctor and said she wanted to be seen at the Hey Clinic.

Schroth Exercises Specific for Scoliosis

When Caroline met Dr. Hey, he recommended Schroth physical therapy. She heard of Schroth once before through her physical therapist who said it might work better for her, but she did not know many people licensed in it.

“I definitely felt the Schroth method is catered to what I’ve always been thinking or feeling in my back way more than the typical physical therapy I’ve done so much of,” Caroline said.

She knows correction is unlikely because she is done growing, but she was thrilled with the way her back felt after she finished her first day of therapy.

“[I’m] learning little things to program in [my] brain [on what] to do differently,” Caroline said. “And carry those in a lifelong way to help my back.”

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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