How quickly can my teenager get back to sports and even the prom after adolescent scoliosis surgery

Natalie, a 15 yo 6 weeks s/p T5-L2 instrumentation and fusion doing great, who wrote this in email on 5/4/15: 

“Turns out I danced the night away at prom and 5 weeks after my surgery I was able to get back on the field and pitch a whole game , hit, run , slide and do everything everyone else on the team could! Everyone was so shocked including myself , this would have never been able to happen without you! I’ve been back to playing softball and Thursday was my last game but I went out with a bang! I pitched the whole game, slid into the base, dove back to the base and even hit a home run!”
Natalie:  you go girl!!!    Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS  Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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