How to Improve Scoliosis Using Schroth PT and Bracing

Schroth PT was not an option for earlier generations

Morgan’s mom didn’t have the opportunity to correct her curve as an adolescent, so she ensured her daughter was able to get the Schroth PT and bracing treatment she needed to prevent curve progression.

Her mom’s curve will likely need surgery. She said, “If I could have done Schroth physical therapy then my back would not have gotten this bad.”

Morgan takes advantage of conservative options

Morgan said that time management is important for her as she balances her exercises with her daily busy schedule. She completes her exercises at all different times of day.

“As long as you get it done,” Morgan said, referring to her exercises. “You get stronger.” “I think it’s helped a lot, especially with the back brace,” Morgan said.

She found the brace itchy in the beginning, but after 2-3 weeks she got used to wearing it. She said the only times she really notices is it is when she takes a little bit longer than her classmates to get changed for P.E.

“The goal is to keep your back stable and not have it get worse,” Morgan said.

More about Schroth PT

Schroth PT is a conservative, non-surgical approach to treating scoliosis. This form of treatment, when combined with bracing, has been shown to reduce progression of scoliosis during adolescent growth and, in some cases, decrease the angle of the spinal curvature.

Hey Clinic Schroth physical therapists will develop an individualized home exercise program after multiple one-on-one sessions in our office, so that the exercises can be continued on a daily basis, which is critical to the success of conservative treatment options.

Curves under 30 degrees are less likely to progress in adulthood“, says Schroth physical therapist Jessie Giddings.

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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