How to Stop Scoliosis Curve Progression

Daisy’s diagnosis

Daisy was diagnosed with scoliosis in 2020. Her visits to the doctor were usually over video, but because she went in person for a physical her doctor discovered Daisy’s slight curve.

She was nervous when she started to look at Google about her diagnosis, but as she learned about treatment options it helped her feel more in control.

Daisy was referred to a spine doctor and for three months the doctor observed her back. After the three months, her curve doubled in number. The doctor suggested a Boston brace.

Hey Clinic Treatment Options – Bracing and Schroth PT

When Daisy’s family moved to North Carolina they went to Hey Clinic. Daisy said that at Hey Clinic she was given more options, which made her feel better.

At the clinic the providers told her that she’s balanced which means she is straight where her hips and neck are, so her scoliosis is not visible. Without being screened for scoliosis it would be easy to miss a curve like Daisy’s.

She started doing Schroth physical therapy and got fitted with a Rigo Cheneau brace. “It made me feel more like we’re doing something to stop it,” Daisy said. Daisy only takes off her brace if she showers, goes to soccer or physical therapy. “The first night was difficult, but it became more normal over time,” she said.

Daisy believes that it is better to be open about her brace and wear it as much as possible.

What Is Schroth Physical Therapy

Schroth is recommended for curves over 15 degrees and bracing for patients with curves above 20 degrees. When used in combination these two treatments have high levels of success in stopping curve progression. Hey Clinic has many options and patients can be proactive in treating their curve rather than helplessly watching their curve progress.

If you are ready to get treatment for scoliosis and would like more information about available options, please call the clinic or make an appointment with our spine specialists.

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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