Little Maggie Doing Well 6 days after Anterior/Posterior Scoliosis Surgery including Shilla Technique

Maggie, 8 years old, 108 degree progressive scoliosis, weighing less than 50 lbs, had her surgery 6 days ago with the Shilla Technique at WakeMed Children’s Hospital, Raleigh.

Maggie’s parents wanted me to send these photos and thanksgivings to everyone who has been keeping them in prayer.  They also wanted to thank all the caring staff at WakeMed Children’s Hospital, including Dr. Duncan Phillips who helped out with the anterior approach, the excellent pediatric intensive care unit physicians and nurses, and the floor nurses and others at the Children’s Hospital.  

I want to express my thanks again to Dr. Richard McCarthy and his staff for helping teach me how to do the new Shilla Technique as a wonderful alternative to growing rods for children with early onset scoliosis (EOS).  Janelle and her family from Raleigh travelled to Arkansas Children’s, where I met up with them in December to work with Dr. McCarthy and their team for Janelle.

Janelle and her family has befriended Maggie and her family, and have been a real encouragement to them through the whole process.  We see that a lot — families helping other families through the whole process.  Awesome.

Here’s quick note from Maggie’s mom, Lisa, sharing about their experience at WakeMed Children’s Hospital this week:


From: William
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 23:22:40 -0400
To: Lloyd Hey <>
Subject: Re[2]: Maggie

We would be honored to have Maggie’s pictures on your blog.   There is a sweet peace among us as we are praying this new Shilla tech. can minister to other suffering children.  There are no words to describe God’s presence through the last week.  She sat up in bed tonight and ate 4 pieces of Dominos pizza and we just finished watching a movie.  She is talking just like our Maggie.  Praise God!! We thank God for the wisdom He continues to give you for her treatment!!!!  See ya in the morning!!

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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