More Patient And Family Stories from this past week

As promised, here are some more patient stories that have recently been shared at Hey Clinic.
Ashlee is an adolescent who had scoliosis surgery for her idiopathic thoracolumbar curve 6 weeks ago with Dr. Hey, and is doing well.  She shares how she is already getting back into her drama with tryouts for the Wizard of Oz for this fall!
We saw Sheila for her 1 year postop visit doing very well after her T3-Iliac wing instrumentation and fusion for her large double curve scoliosis.  She had adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) that progressed as an adult, causing her severe pain and poor quality of life, and had it fixed in her mid-60’s and has done well postop.  
Charlie had really severe back and leg pain and trouble walking, and shares his story postop after L3-Iliac wing instrumentation and fusion, and his very positive experience at Duke Raleigh Hospital with the nurses and a particular CNA who went the extra mile.

Tomorrow morning we’ll be helping Patty, a woman in her early 50’s with a collapsing thoracolumbar scoliosis that she has had since her teens, but had become symptomatic in recent years.  I got a nice email from her friend Steve, from eastern North Carolina, who has sent me many of his friends and relatives with scoliosis and kyphosis after I got him straightened up years ago.   Need to get to bed soon to rest up, and get up early to exercise and see her in preop area by 7:15am at Duke Raleigh Hospital.  We have 4 big scoliosis and kyphosis surgeries this week, including a revision scoliosis / kyphosis surgery on an adolescent treated elsewhere initially.  We will also be seeing several consults and second opinions coming in from out of town.It should be another interesting and exciting week.  Hope you have a good week as well.
Dr. Lloyd Hey — Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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