Options to Correct a Scoliosis Curve

Clair Trybus, 17, went years with back pain, but rationalized that it came from cheerleading. When she finally got an x-ray at age 15, her doctor diagnosed her with 40 and 30 degree scoliosis curves.

She said the doctor never ordered an x-ray before that time, even though they noticed her curve. Previously, doctors told her family to watch the curve. But, by the time of her x-ray, her curve had significantly increased. She now insists observation should not be the only option.

“I think it’s important so you feel like you’re in control,” Clair said. “You’re not being told what to do…when you can choose to go about fixing it.”

After her diagnosis, she realized many of her friends and favorite celebrities also lived with scoliosis.

Clair went to see Dr. Hey where she was presented with various treatment options. She made the decision to get a custom brace and do Schroth physical therapy. At first, the brace made her nervous. Now she likes the way it feels. She found the brace also reduces her pain and helped her posture in cheerleading and tumbling.

“We really didn’t want to go straight to surgery, if we could find something else that could work,” Clair said. “I think it’s worked really well.” Her curve changed 6 degrees to stabilize in the 30’s over the course of her treatment.

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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