Schroth PT Helps Patients Stand Strong

Tency Miller’s scoliosis would flair up even when she went grocery shopping, but doing Schroth physical therapy helped with her back pain.

She discovered her scoliosis in her early 20’s through a routine exam. She didn’t seek treatment at that time because of her lack of symptoms.

“We think we’re invincible being young,” Tency said.

Tency worked as a CNA and she noticed as she got older that she felt pain when she needed to lift certain weight. She then saw a large curvature increase and was given surgery as her only option.

She later came to the Hey Clinic where she was given more options. Tency started Schroth physical therapy and was able to regain some of her strength.

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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