Sisters Choosing Schroth to Treat Scoliosis

Emma and Abby Little were both diagnosed with scoliosis. The Little’s thought only Abby had scoliosis. After their mom insisted Emma get an x-ray, her back was curved as well.

“I got to decide if I wanted to wear a brace,” Abby said.

Abby’s transition to the brace effected her, but now she feels like she can do anything.

Considering Emma’s skeletal growth, she did not brace, but focused on Schroth physical therapy. At first, Emma struggled to do her physical therapy. “I really didn’t like to do PT, but I still do it because I think of how it can get better,” Emma said.

The sisters started to exercise together for 45 minutes every morning and correct each other’s posture. They rotate between doing hanging, planks and floor exercises. Their dad comes in the mornings to make sure they’re straight.

“We have the same thing so we can help each other,” Emma and Abby said.

Abby said her dad notices when she drops her hand while running in soccer. While, Emma tries to pay close attention to her shoulders when dancing.

“[My curve] got better and now I feel way better about it,” Abby said.

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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