Weight Loss to Help Self Image and the Spine

In 2021, David Lee felt his legs get so heavy that he could barely walk. He could not control his balance and needed to hold onto something as he walked.

He experienced what he described as pure terror as he felt his legs buckle beneath him while he washed dishes at the bar he manages.

David went to a chiropractor to see if they could help, but his chiropractor told him that his symptoms needed a different kind of treatment. He referred David to Dr. Hey.

When Dr. Hey sat down with David, he gave him options for treatment.

“I told him I didn’t want surgery,” David said. “He was like ‘Let’s try [a diet] first.”

David appreciated Dr. Hey respecting his desire to avoid surgery and he began limiting his carb intake as well as other food. Dr. Hey gave David his number in case his pain increased.

“My self image has definitely got better,” David said. “I’ve wanted to lose weight for a long time and this was a perfect incentive.”

David recommended finding ways to make exercising fun. He would listen to music or video chat his friends while he walked. After awhile, he learned to eat new foods and replace the old ones.

He explained that food helped him cope with depression and when it absent, he needed to find other solutions.

“Seeing your milestones and achieving them gives you a lot of dopamine,” David said. “You start getting compliments by your friends and family around you. They start seeing your progress.”

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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