Lisa Ganley has severe scoliosis in an "S" shape and she wore a brace in Middle School and High School. However, the brace did not stop her curve from progressing into adulthood. "I should have been doing more physical...
Opening Hours : M-Thurs from 7AM-4PM and Fri from 7AM-2PM Lisa Ganley has severe scoliosis in an "S" shape and she wore a brace in Middle School and High School. However, the brace did not stop her curve from progressing into adulthood. "I should have been doing more physical... Blair Cotten struggled with daily activities like picking up her child. She would be exhausted simply walking to the park. "I feel like I have life with color now where before life felt gray," Blair said. Blair developed scoliosis... Early Education on Scoliosis needed Kim Seller's found out at school that she had a slight curve, but she was not given an explanation or educated on what scoliosis was. She knew if someone explained it to her, she... Kathy's scoliosis appeared at an early age Kathy Boston noticed her scoliosis when she was 12. She was self-conscious of her back and didn't want to wear halter tops or any clothing that showed her back. She shares how... Anissia Jackson, 46, found out she had scoliosis in P.E. class in seventh grade. After she was diagnosed, kids in gym made fun of her so she started to hide her scoliosis. In fact, her husband didn't know about...
3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609